St Austell Courier
Based in Redruth, Lamorna Express is ideally situated to provide courier services all over Cornwall & Devon including St Austell.
We can collect and delivery parcels throughout England, Wales, Southern Scotland and also provide a worldwide courier service.
Next Day Delivery to and from St Austell
Next Day Delivery to and from St Austell
Our standard overnight service available Monday to Friday to and from St Austell and collected or delivered throughout England, Wales and Southern Scotland. All parcels are fully tracked with a signature obtained on final delivery. Free goods in transit liability provided up to £12 per kilo subject to our terms and conditions.
£14.95 up to 5kgs then 50p per kg thereafter plus VAT
Next Day Delivery to and from St Austell Before 9am
Delivery between 8am and 9am when urgency is vital. Available Monday to Friday to and from St Austell and collected or delivered England, Wales and Southern Scotland. All parcels are fully tracked with a signature obtained on final delivery. Free goods in transit liability provided up to £12 per kilo subject to our terms and conditions.
£29.95 up to 5kg then 95p per kg thereafter plus VAT
Next Day Delivery to and from St Austell Before 10am
Delivery between 8am and 10am. Available Monday to Friday to and from St Austell and collected or delivered England, Wales and Southern Scotland. All parcels are fully tracked with a signature obtained on final delivery. Free goods in transit liability provided up to £12 per kilo subject to our terms and conditions.
£23.95 up to 5kgs then 85p per kg thereafter plus VAT
Next Day Delivery to and from St Austell Before 12 Noon
Delivery between 8am and 12 noon. Available Monday to Friday to and from St Austell and collected or delivered England, Wales and Southern Scotland. All parcels are fully tracked with a signature obtained on final delivery. Free goods in transit liability provided up to £12 per kilo subject to our terms and conditions.
£19.95 up to 5kgs then 70p per kg thereafter plus VAT
Next Day Delivery to and from St Austell Before 12 Noon
Delivery between 8am and 12 noon. Available Monday to Friday to and from St Austell and collected or delivered England, Wales and Southern Scotland. All parcels are fully tracked with a signature obtained on final delivery. Free goods in transit liability provided up to £12 per kilo subject to our terms and conditions.
£19.95 up to 5kgs then 70p per kg thereafter plus VAT
St Austell Next Day Courier Pack
Courier Pack Next Day to and from St Austell
Our service for documents, jiffy bags and small items delivered to or collected from St Austell and collected or delivered throughout mainland England, Wales and southern Scotland.
Specially designed strong plastic packs with security seals are provided free of charge. All items are fully tracked with asignature obtained on final delivery.
£9.50 up to max. 5kg. Maximum dimensions 45x35x19cms
Courier Pack to and from St Austell Before 2 Noon
Next day delivery between 8am and 12 noon. Our service for documents, jiffy bags and small items delivered to or collected from St Austell and collected or delivered throughout mainland England, Wales and southern Scotland. Specially designed strong plastic packs with security seals are provided free of charge.
All items are fully tracked with a signature obtained on final delivery.
£14.50 up to max. 5kg. Maximum dimensions 45x35x19cms
St Austell Saturday Delivery
Saturday Delivery to and from St Austell
Saturday delivery is available for all services delivered to or collected from St Austell and collected or delivered in England, Wales and Southern Scotland.
£15.00 surcharge per consignment plus VAT
St Austell Same Day Parcel Collection and Delivery
UK same day collection and delivery, delivered to or collected from St Austell
View details of our same day delivery service or email or call us on 01209 313833 for further information.